Grass Mountain

After a good night’s sleep in Lompoc, I was ready to climb my final peak of the inaugural Central Coast Six Pack of Peaks challenge—Grass Mountain. It was a bit odd staying in Lompoc and not going to see a rocket launch, but the two models in the lobby helped.

I had planned to have breakfast at my usual cafe, but they didn’t open until 7, so McDonald’s again. It was about a 40-minute drive to the trailhead, so I had time to enjoy my coffee. One car was at the trailhead when I pulled in. It was a bit nippy and I debated if I was going to start out in my light fleece. I filled out my day permit and finished getting ready. There is an old hiking rule—it is better to start off too cold than too warm. I left the fleece behind, in part because I also knew most of the hike was fully exposed. The trail follows Birabent Creek for just under a mile, crossing it three times before leaving it behind.

Now the “fun” would begin, as the trail would range between 20-50% grade! This was going to be a slow and steady type of climb. The mountain, which is accurately named, loomed before me. I focused on the trail ahead of me, looking for good footing, as this trail was steep!

I would take a short break from time to time, have some fluids, then continue on. The views behind me were stunning, so I knew the summit view should be worth it.

I carefully made my way up, trying not to think about descending this later. Soon, I knew the summit was almost there, as the grasses ended and the gravel took over. A large peace symbol, made of rocks served as the summit marker, as I did not locate a summit sign. I enjoyed a snack and soaked in the views. Off in the distance, I could spy the Neverland Ranch. Yesterday’s two summits were visible off in the distance. I still needed to descend and then make the long drive home. I took each step with care, hoping not to slip. Thankfully, I made it down with my pride intact. Once back near the creek, I started to pass other hikers out for probably an easier hike along some of the other trails nearby. Once back at the car, I cleaned up before heading to Los Olivos Grocery to reward my effort with a nice tri-tip sandwich and a large Coke. With that, my challenge was complete! This final hike was a mere 4.6 miles but with a whopping 2,330 feet of gain, and I did manage to do it in 4:06 (with my breaks and time at the summit)! Now to finish up my San Diego Challenge.

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I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Gaviota Peak

I previously had hiked Gaviota Peak after watching a SpaceX launch from nearby Vandenberg SFB. I found a spot in the parking lot, filled out my day pass, dropped my $2 into the slot, and slipped the stub on my dashboard. After gathering my gear, I set off up the trail. Since there were several cars in the lot, I knew I would be seeing other folks on the trail.

I opted to take the same route up as last time, as I was planning on using the Trespass Trail for my return from the summit. Since I was not racing to meet some friends for dinner, I also had time to take a short detour to see the hot springs. The spur trail was well marked, so off I went. The trail was a bit muddy, so a little care needed to be taken. A smell of sulfur hung slightly in the air from the creek as it flowed past. I came to the hot springs. The couple that had headed out as I pulled in were enjoying the waters. We chatted a bit before I let them enjoy their soak. The spur trail connected back to the road and I continued making my way up towards the summit.

A few runners passed me returning back from their summit, while I continued my journey upward. The ocean came into view and I knew the summit was just a short push more. As I reached it, another hiker was just about to head back down. She had come up the Trespass Trail, and I mentioned that I planned to use it for my route down. She asked about the other route as she always uses the Trespass Trail. I gave her the basic info about the route, and she headed down. 

I snapped a few photos, had a snack, mixed up my electrolytes, and set off. Unlike the wide road that I took up, I was now on a traditional trail. While I did have some nice views of the ocean and the Channel Islands, the poor condition of the trail had me paying attention to my footing.

After a bit, the hiker from the summit decided to stick to her tried and true route and caught up with me. Oh, to have young knees…

As I reached the junction with the Tunnel View Trail, I opted to take it. I figured it would provide a nice view of the Gaviota Tunnel. Turns out I was right. I was starting to get hungry, so I did not linger. I soon rejoined the Trespass Trail, then shortly thereafter the main trail. I tossed my gear into the car, changed shirts, and headed to Figueroa Mountain Brewery for lunch and my free beer, courtesy of taking the Six Pack of Peaks Challenge. The stats for the hike were 6.4 miles, with a moving time of 3:12 and 2,138 feet of gain. Just one more peak to summit and this challenge will be complete!

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Broadcast Peak

As the end of the year was drawing near, I knew I needed to focus on finishing my various Six Pack of Peaks challenges. I wrapped up the SoCal challenge a few weeks ago and was down to one more peak to complete the San Diego challenge (I am looking at you Hot Springs Mountain…). I still had three left for the inaugural Central Coast challenge. So I hatched up a plan to knock them out in one trip. I drove up and stayed in Carpinteria to help reduce the impact of the driving on my back. I would have camped somewhere, but could not locate an available campsite. I stayed at the same hotel I had back when I recorded courses for LinkedIn Learning (née Woke up before sunrise and headed to grab my traditional pre-hike breakfast at McDonald’s. This McD’s no longer has a drive-thru, so it was either go inside and order or use their mobile app. With my biscuit, hash browns, and coffee, I set off to Broadcast Peak. 

I exited the 101 at Refugio and headed up the canyon, passing a few farms before the road began climbing. Thanks to discovering the YouTube channel “Subietrails”, I knew that I would have a paved road almost all the way. As I wound my way up, a few quail would scamper across the road. Then I spotted a bobcat darting along the road before diving into the brush. That was a first for me! Once I reached the crest, I turned onto West Camino Cielo and worked my way eastward. Due to some poor planning on my part, I found myself staring straight into the sun at times. I would have to stop and put my head out the window to creep along until I could see properly again. You’d think after attending UCSB I’d remember those mountains run east-west!

Finally, the paved road ended not too far from Santa Ynez Peak. Broadcast Peak was about a mile away, so if I did encounter an issue, it was now easily hikeable. Thankfully, the road was in fine shape. Once at the turnoff to the summit of Broadcast, I debated whether should I park here and hike the last bit, or just use my nifty new tires and drive up. The latter option won. I navigated the first real rut of the trip, then parked at the summit. 

The views were incredible. To the south, I could see 4 of the Channel Islands. Off to the north was Lake Cachuma and the rest of the Santa Ynez valley. I was fairly certain I could spot Gaviota Peak off to the west. I tried to see if there was a summit sign tucked away somewhere but did not discover one. I snapped my photos and headed back down. Along the way, I spotted 3 mule deer off to the side of the road. Once back at the 101, it was a short 15-minute drive to the Gaviota Peak trailhead.

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Alan Peak

I woke to discover that a trash panda had gotten into my cooler and enjoyed the Snickers bar I had wanted to take on the hike. After cleaning up the minor mess, I had breakfast and prepared to head out. Between the overcast skies and being in a canyon, I had actually slept in rather than waking at dawn’s first light. That actually was fine, as most of the hike is due east, so not staring directly into the sun was fine by me. There are several different trailheads to choose from; one is very close to my actual campsite, but that would have added about 2 miles to an already long hike. There is another trailhead near the Spooner Ranch house, but I did not want to park the car there or make the walk down to it. In the end, I parked at the Valencia Peak trailhead. This peak is on the Sierra Club Lower Peaks Committee list, so I was interested in possibly climbing it, but only if I felt up to it upon my return from Alan Peak. As I gathered my gear, a nice three-point buck strolled down the road. The sun was high enough that my hat shaded my eyes, and I set off. The trail starts out mellow for the first mile until it reaches the junction with the Badger Trail and the New Oats Peak Trail. Since I wanted some recon on Valencia Peak, I started working my way up toward it. After a couple of switchbacks, the trail stuck to following the ridgeline. Evidence of geological tilt was very apparent. I reached the turn-off to the summit and continued on. Unfortunately, the trail lost 200+ feet of elevation, and I was not happy. I knew this hike had a lot of ups and downs, so extra gain/loss was something I did not want. This was something I was going to need to factor in for my return.

The trail now linked back up with the Oats Peak Trail and pushed eastward and upward. I stared off along the ridgeline ahead of me, trying to identify which bump was actually Oats Peak and my first planned rest stop. A trail sign said ½ mile to the summit, but of course, there was a minor bump along the way to cross first. Thankfully, this one did have a side route, so I saved about 100 feet of climbing. Once on Oats, a nice double-sided bench called to me to come sit and take a rest. The benchmark was clearly visible atop a metal pole. While I enjoyed a snack and some fluids, three other hikers joined me. They were from Cal Poly SLO’s hiking club, and doing a loop to Oats Peak. We chatted some, and they offered some beta on the trail to Alan Peak, as well as an alternate return route via the Coon Creek Trail. They said it was rather shaded and nice, but it would be about a mile south of my car, so I would have some road walking to do if I opted to take it. We departed the summit together, then they quickly made their turn onto Coon Creek Trail and I continued following the ridgeline. I could spot Alan Peak off in the distance, and also see all the bumps I had to traverse.

The day was warm, but the occasional breeze helped. Overall, I felt okay, I needed just keep my pace in check. I avoided looking at my actual pace and just let my body and the trail tell me what to do. I took a few short breaks, usually under the shade of some trees. Each descent I had enjoyed so far, would become an ascent on my return, so there was no need to push myself for no good reason. I reached a nice shady section, which gave me some relief from the sun. Unfortunately, there was a lot more poison oak to be aware of. This is why I opted for long pants for this hike over the shorts I wore the day before. The trail soon made its turn to the north and I knew the summit was very close. I was running out of gas, but knew it was just one more bump away. I pushed on, and soon the summit sign greeted me, all under the lovely shade of a large oak tree. I shed my pack and relaxed. Since I did have cell service, I checked in with my wife (the campground does not have a signal). I then stretched out and had a lovely and well-earned summit nap. About 30 minutes later, and feeling so much better, I enjoyed my lunch, took my photos, and began thinking about my route back. I knew I was skipping Valencia Peak at this point, but did I want to try the route that the SLO hikers took? Maybe the New Oats Trail might make more sense. I had about 2 miles or so until I crossed back over Oat Peak before I needed to make a decision. 

Cruised back along the trail, still being mindful of my pace, as I still had quite a few miles left to cover and those annoying bumps to traverse. As I neared Oats Peak, I made the choice to use the New Oats Trail as my return route. Another factor in all this was that the clouds had started to roll in again, and Valencia Peak was just high enough to be in them. The New Oats Trail gently worked its way down. If I hadn’t been thinking about trying for Valencia Peak, this is the trail I should have used on the way out.

I soon found myself back at the car, and my feet and legs were starting to feel the effects of the long hike, but I had done it! All told, my route logged in at 11.5 miles with an elevation gain of 2,729 feet (remember the summit is at 1,649 feet!). My moving time was 6:17. I collectively took about 1:30 worth of breaks along the entire journey. While I was tired from the effort, this was a major milestone for me. It was just about four months ago I had my surgery, and here I was finishing this hike, as well as doing the two the day before. 


Once back at camp, I relaxed some before enjoying dinner. Sadly, my campfire would not stay lit, so I threw in the towel and went to bed. I relocated the containers I left out last night into the car with me, so as not to have a repeat of the previous visit from the local “trash panda”. I woke up a little earlier the next day. I opted for a quick snack and a coffee at camp and a ‘real’ breakfast instead in town. My legs and feet were feeling the two days of hiking, so my optional 4th peak seemed unlikely. As I drew near Gavoita Peak, I saw that it would be completely socked in. That peak also has some great views, so I decided to drive on by and head home. I knew I still had another trip up here for the rest of the challenge, so why not wait until then?

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Hazard Peak

After climbing Bishop Peak in the morning, I drove over to Montaña de Oro and set up camp at the Islay Campground. The general plan for the afternoon was to relax at the campsite for a while, then head over to the trailhead to hike up Hazard Peak. I hoped that the marine layer would stay away long enough so I could enjoy the view of Morro Bay directly to the north of the peak. As I woke up from a short nap, I could see that the clouds were starting to roll in, so I gathered my gear and made the short drive to the trailhead. The route I wanted to take starts next to Camp KEEP (Kern Environmental Education Program) which is a residential outdoor science program. The camp was quiet, I am guessing due to it being Labor Day. I did not see any signs prohibiting me from hiking along the service road to the camp, so I continued on. I reached the Heidra Trail and left the service road behind. The trail was a bit sandy until it reached the junction with the Hazard Peak Trail. There another surprise greeted me, a lovely swing hanging from an eucalyptus tree. I snapped a few photos for my friend Amber who is obsessed with hidden swings, then continued on.

I got a few views of Morro Bay and its famous rock before the cloud cover obscured the view. The trail was pleasant and I cruised along toward the summit. I reached the junction with the Canyon View trail. If I had wanted to come directly from the campground, this is the trail I would have used, but it is a bit longer. From this intersection, the summit was just about a mile away.

As I looked up toward it, I wondered if I would be fully in the clouds or not. I soon drew near and spotted the two benches and picnic table that reside at the summit. I was not in the clouds but had no view to speak of. I took a short break, snapped my photos, and headed down. Some mountain bikers had joined me, and I let them pass before starting my descent. A couple of trail runners raced upwards as I made my way back. Soon, I was back down, and as I neared my car, I spotted several deer nearby. That was a nice surprise. I snapped a few photos, then made the short drive back to my campsite. I finished getting ready for the evening, made some dinner, enjoyed a fire, and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day with an attempt at Alan Peak, over 11 miles of hiking, and the largest elevation gain to date for my foot. Hazard Peak was 5.25 miles round-trip and a mere 970 feet of gain.

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Bishop Peak

4 a.m. came very early, but if I wanted to get past Los Angeles on Labor Day, this was the price I had to pay. The goal for the next few days was to camp at Montaña de Oro State Park and climb several of the peaks that are on the inaugural Central Coast Six Pack of Peaks Challenge. The freeways were fairly empty as I made my way northward, taking a short break along the way for some more coffee. As I neared Santa Barbara, my navigation app had me take Hwy. 154 over the mountains and past Lake Cachuma. Initially, this was a little surprising, but it had been years since I had driven through here, so why not? One of the peaks on the challenge has its trailhead off this highway, so refreshing my memory of the road would be another benefit. I cruised past the very full lake until I rejoined Hwy. 101 and continued on toward San Luis Obispo. The first peak that I was attempting was Bishop Peak. This peak is a 1,546-foot volcanic plug that is right in town. It is the tallest of the Morros or “Nine Sisters”, a chain of similar peaks stretching to toward Morro Bay. I opted to start my hike from the Highland trailhead, as it was the shortest. There is no parking lot, so I had to find some street parking a bit down the road. This was starting to remind me of Cowles Mountain. After grabbing my gear, and electing to use my new smaller pack for this hike, I trodded up the road. Several nice homes lined the east side of the street. The trailhead had the basic safety information and leashes you could borrow for your dog. That was a nice touch. Sadly, all the dogs I did encounter were unleashed. The trail works its way around the back of a couple of the homes, and under some lovely oaks before beginning to climb toward the summit.

The area around the peak was turned into a preserve by some of the early residents of the area, and their efforts were memorialized on two plaques alongside the trail. The trail worked its way southward, still mostly under the shade from the oaks. Some poison oak did line the side of the trail, and I made sure to mention that to an SLO student hiking with her parents. Bishop Peak offers some rock climbing opportunities, so there were a few spur trails to climbing areas that were marked by signposts, but I continued along the summit trail.

The trail arcs around and heads northward. It is here that you start to get some great views of the town, Cerro San Luis Obispo to the south (another one of the plugs), and Laguna Lake. This is also where you start to actually gain some elevation. As I climbed, the hikers that I passed reminded me more and more of the ones I encountered on Cowles. Thankfully, no one was sharing their “killer” tunes as I made my way up the switchbacks. I wasn’t racing toward the summit, knowing I had another longer hike planned in the afternoon, and my longest hike to date planned for the next day. But, soon, the pair of benches that serve as the informal summit came into view. The true summit actually requires climbing gear, so for most, this is our summit. I took a moment or two to take some photos and enjoy some shade next to some rocks. A memorial plaque was affixed nearby for a hiker who had fallen to his death. I was starting to get a little hungry, so I started back down the trail. Back at the car, I headed into town for my planned lunch of some delicious BBQ tri-tip. For those who don’t know, tri-tip is to SLO as fish tacos are to San Diego. With my belly now full, I made the 30-minute drive to Islay Campground, with a quick stop at the Ralphs for some last-minute provisions. The hike was 3.1 miles round-trip and had an elevation gain of 956 feet. 

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

Gaviota Peak

After watching the SpaceX launch of the NROL-87 mission up in Lompoc, I decided to add in Gaviota Peak before heading back home to San Diego. I pulled into the parking lot at Gaviota State Park around 1:30 pm and changed into my hiking gear. There were about 4 other cars parked in the small lot. The park does charge a $2 self-pay fee to use the lot. There are no bathrooms here or any other amenities. While there is parking outside the official lot, I felt like supporting the park.

The route to the summit has two options–the slightly more direct fire road or the Trespass Trail. I was a little tight on time due to a slight delay in the launch, so I was going to take the fire road both up and back. Many hikers take the fire road up and return down the Trespass Trail. 

The route immediately begins its climb right at the start. After a short while, the noise from the 101 faded away, and I was left with just the sounds of my boots on the dirt. At the 1/4 mile mark, the trail splits between the Trespass Trail and the fire road. I kept to the left to stay on the fire road. 

As I worked my way up to the summit, a few wildflowers would dot the side of the road. I saw the side trail to the hot springs but didn’t have time to go visit them. The route is a steady, constant climb. I later reviewed my route in CalTOPO and the grade was an average of 20%. So you will get a nice workout as you make your way up, but you are rewarded with some really nice views of the surrounding area while you keep climbing.

The road came to a T junction just before the summit. This gave me the first real view of the coast. Simply stunning! The last 2/10 mile to the summit is a bit steeper. Once at the summit, the large metal can that serves as the register was clearly visible, signaling the summit of Gaviota Peak. I did locate the reference mark, but the true benchmark is either lost or under that can. The can holds a large collection of registers, so I opted not to sign in. After snapping my photos, I retraced my route back down to the car. If I was going to take the Trespass Trail, I would have continued over the summit. That trail follows the ocean side of the ridge, so you will have more ocean views to take in, but it is about another mile longer. 

This hike is #70 on the Sierra Club Lower Peaks Committee list, and my 12th summit. I logged 5.8 miles in 2:34 with 2,106 feet of elevation gain.

Buy Me a Coffee at

I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest.