Up on Granite Mountain

After the scouting trip to the trailhead on Saturday, I decided to take advantage of the break between the storms to go climb Granite Mountain again. The other time I summited this peak was via the Cool Canyon route, and this time I really wanted to use the Rodriguez Canyon trailhead. After filling up the gas tank and grabbing my breakfast and coffee, I headed out to the desert. As I drove through Julian, I spied a PCT hiker thumbing a ride back down to the trail. I pulled over and offered a lift. We had a lovely chat as we drove down the Banner Grade. I dropped him off at the Scissors Crossing parking lot and wished him well on his journey. I then cruised down to the trailhead, making a quick stop at the pit toilets in Blair Valley. I was glad I had my “poop kit” with me, as both toilets had no toilet paper. I turned off the highway, and began driving the road that Ted and I drove on Saturday. The heavy construction equipment that was parked beside the road had been busy, as one section of the road had been smoothed over. I still had to carefully pick my way up out of Vallecito Wash, but the Outback handled it like a champ. I drove up Rodriguez Canyon a short distance and found a nice spot to pull off. Grabbing my gear I headed north across the open desert floor until I linked up with an old jeep road that led to a couple of abandoned mines. The road was overgrown and would fade from time to time.

At some point I lost the road and began working my way up a ridge. When I checked my position again, using Keith Winston’s route, I found myself on the wrong side of a ravine. I decided to keep on my route, follow the contour to get closer to Keith’s route and go from there. I knew after the mines that I missed, the route follows the ridgeline up. I began weaving and dodging cacti as I kept climbing. The temperature was perfect, cool with a slight breeze. I had a fleece and a wind shell in my pack, but never needed them. I would stop to snap a photo from time to time, but just kept motoring on.

 From time to time, cairns would appear. Around 5000 feet in elevation, small patches of snow started to appear in the shade. I could see snow over on the Laguna Mountains to my southwest and on Volcan Mountain to my northwest. As I neared the end of this ridgeline, there was one small bouldery section to climb, but nothing like the mess I recall from the Cool Canyon Route. At the end of this ridgeline, I followed another ridgeline to the northeast. Once over a small false summit, the peak and its massive granite boulders stood before me. This was certainly an easy route, although the section in Cool Canyon itself is a highlight.

I scouted around the boulders looking for a route up, and eventually found one. As I made my final move onto the summit, my two full water bottles on the side of my pack fell out. One went bouncing one way and the other a different way. Crud! I hoped I would be able to find them in the rocks below, otherwise I would be collecting some of that snow to turn into drinking water.

On the summit, I enjoyed some snacks and the last of the water from the bottle that I keep in my shoulder pouch. The views were as stunning as I remembered. If there was a register, it is tucked somewhere below, and I did not bother to go scouting for it, I figured I would have enough scouting to find my water. After a nice break atop the summit, it was time to head back. I surveyed where one bottle bounced, and declared it lost. I worked my way down from the summit block and hoped that the second bottle could be located, and thankfully it was. Since I was heading down and had water in the car, I felt I should be ok. I slipped the recovered bottle into the side pouch and tightened the strap to be sure.

My goal for the descent was to stick to Keith’s track more closely, as I really wanted to see one or two of the abandoned mines. The descent went fine, and there was a faint use trail that I picked up from time to time, just like on the ascent. For the most part, though, it was again weaving past the cacti as I hiked down the ridge. I reached Keith’s turn off spot and generally stayed on course.

I spotted the first mine and peered in, but really did not have any interest in clamoring inside. I walked over to where the second mine was, but it appears that it is no longer open. I could see the outline of the jeep road across the ravine and worked my way carefully down to it. Once on it, I continued to follow it down the mountain. I could see my car off in the distance, always a good sign. Once back at the car, I drank 1/2 liter of water, as I had finished my remaining water about a mile back. 

As I drove out, a lone backpacker was hiking along the road. I stopped and chatted with him. He had hiked down Oriflame Canyon and was headed over to the campground at Stagecoach Trails. I offered him a ride, as I was stopping there for a cold soda and snack, but he wanted to hike the whole route. I wished him well and drove away to get that aforementioned soda and begin my drive home. All told, I hiked 7.4 miles with just over 3,000 feet of elevation gain in 6:01.

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I am an avid peak bagger, sometimes backpacker, and former sea kayaker living in San Diego. In 2019, I became the third person to complete the San Diego 100 Peak Challenge. Not stopping with that accomplishment, I set my sights on the harder San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list, which I completed in 2021. In addition, I have conquered several Six-Pack of Peaks challenges (SoCal, San Diego, Central Coast, and Arizona-Winter). Beyond attempting the San Diego Sierra Club 100 Peak list a second time, I am looking forward to exploring new summits and new adventures across the southwest. 

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